Checking-In: Summer 2022
As the record rainfall of 2022 has appeared to come to a close and the sunshine finally decided to grace us with its presence here in Oregon, the smell of backyard grills everywhere has begun to fill the air. We continue to see more and more clients make their way into the office, as well as meeting new faces. We truly appreciate the trust our clients have in the service we provide and are honored to help the friends and loved ones they send our way for help.
The H Group, Inc. – Portland
Scott is looking forward to some summer fun, sailing (of course) along with some hikes on our wonderful Cascade Mountain trails. He also hopes to put his new Amateur Radio license to work when afloat and is excited to hone his communication skills in that new medium. |
Amy and Fred traveled with their daughter and son-in-law to Rwanda to visit with their son-in-law’s family. During their visit, they met so many incredible people, traveled through the entire country, visited several national parks, and came away with an expanded view of the world. |
Jessica and family are enjoying the recent sun! All are happy that school is behind them and this summer they are looking forward to trips to the coast and summer camps. Jessica can’t believe she now has a high schooler. How the years fly! |
James and Owen just wrapped up another successful baseball season! Now that school’s out, James, Heather and the boys are looking forward to a fun filled trip to Maui, followed by a week out in Central Oregon, at Eagle Crest (they may or may not be coming home with a new puppy)! While all of the rain this spring was much needed, they’re all looking forward to more of this great sunshine! |
Lindsay spent her spring planting veggies and getting her yard ready for Summer BBQs. She looks forward to the nice weather and spending time at the lake on her paddle board with her son. |
Dale recently attended a professional conference sponsored by the Financial Planning Association to earn continuing education credits. Speakers were from JP Morgan addressing current research on retiree demographic trends and best-practices retirement planning for longer life expectancies of Baby Boomers (age 100!). Dr. John Mitchell (our own speaker for our 2022 client Economic Update) addressed the US and Northwest economies affected by Ukraine, interest rates, and inflation. Dale visited clients in Arizona and California for Annual Review meetings. His wife Shirley joined him and enjoyed several days with their daughter’s family in Orange County/SoCal, caring for their delightful granddaughters. He is looking forward to golf and Central Oregon fly fishing now that summer has arrived. |
Heather and her husband had a busy Spring with several short trips to visit family. First was a visit to Spokane in April to visit their youngest son after he had back surgery. His recovery was great, but it was good to spend a few days providing meals and helping out. They took another trip to Spokane in May for a family work party to update her nephew’s yard. Lots of work was accomplished, and lots of fun was had by all 10 family members who participated. In May they also made a quick trip to Harrison Hot Springs, BC to visit Heather’s mother-in-law to celebrate her 80th birthday. It’s a beautiful lake surrounded by majestic mountains – such a restful few days!! In April Heather was fortunate to participate on the Newberg Dundee Police Department’s Body Worn Camera Policy Committee. The committee spent time reviewing and discussing policies for the new body worn cameras the Department will begin to use soon. It was interesting and informative – they all learned a lot! At the end of June Heather and her husband will spend several days in the Wallowas in Eastern Oregon. It’s always a relaxing, restful time hiking, swimming, stand up paddle boarding and of course, lots of good food. |