With Spring in full effect, we continue to work through understanding our new normal with bated breath. During these unprecedented times, we are grateful for the continued trust and confidence that our clients place in us. As Summer approaches, we all look forward to the days of once again having the ability to sit down with our clients, face to face.
The H Group, Inc. – Portland
Scott wonders how many bear markets he’ll have the pleasure of working through, three so far (and counting). He admits it is the times in between that are the most fun but feels honored to help several generations of clients work through this latest example. Scott passed a milestone on May 1st, twenty years with The H Group here in the Portland office and he indicates he is ready for the next twenty! |
Fred and his family have been doing well during the social distancing era. In a few weeks, their daughter will be getting her puppy (1st dog in her new family and new house). Their new St. Bernard Doodle puppy’s name is Toast. |
Jessica has been adjusting to school from home with Owen. She declares her favorite class, like his, is now P.E., with wallball and foursquare the activities of choice. Jessica put another birthday in the rearview this quarter and is now looking forward to celebrating Owen’s 12th in the end of May! |
James and Heather continue to find the energy to keep up with two small boys during quarantine. While on a mission to get his brother’s ice cream, Levi, their two year old, broke his arm when he fell off his stool; however, this little setback didn’t stop him at all and he is right back at it. While bummed out that he hasn’t gotten to play T-Ball due to the quarantine, Owen continues to countdown the days until Kindergarten begins in the Fall (hopefully). |
Lindsay is making the most of the stay at home order by taking this time to focus on her health and fitness. She is especially grateful for Amazon’s fast delivery, so that she can keep her three-year-old occupied with games, books and crafts while stuck inside. Lindsay looks forward to the warmer weather and re-opening of state parks so that she can enjoy summer hikes, camping and boating at the lake. |
Dale is enjoying working remotely for the first time since beginning his practice in 1980, valuing long-time client relationships as we move through another economic cycle. He and Shirley delight in video chats with family and he looks forward with great anticipation to playing golf and fly fishing in Central Oregon soon! |
Heather has been working in the office each day, glad to have some semblance of a normal routine! She misses seeing clients face-to-face, but has been enjoying the opportunity to visit on the phone and “check in”. She and her husband Dave are looking forward to their annual spring trip to Desolation Sound on the West Coast of British Columbia, once the US/Canada border is open for travel again. |
The H Group, Inc. – Bellevue
Jason has tried to take the opportunity to catch up on many long overdue projects both at home and in the office with the newly found time. He’s trying to be patient while restaurants and coffee shops open again so we can start being social. He’s ready to connect with people again in person. |
Stephanie is dreaming of the day she can get back to traveling the world. Although she mentions work hasn’t slowed down, the stay at home order has given her the opportunity to create a garden oasis on her rooftop and a home gym. She also completed her CFP® education classes in April and continues to study for her CFP® examination in September. |
Esther has been enjoying the adjustment of working from home. The commute is great! She is thankful that even while working from home, we continue to be available for our clients during these unprecedented times. |
Aidan has become an expert at social distancing and hand washing this spring. She has worn holes in her shoes from the long walks her dog, Dolly, demands daily. Aidan has been offsetting all the walking by perfecting her baking skills in her free time. |